Why does everything seem to happen around the holidays? There was that year the kids somehow dislodged a yellow jacket hideout on a warm Thanksgiving. This year you are hoping for a safe and uneventful holiday weekend. Just in case, here is your Thanksgiving health and safety guide.

The Cooking Part Of The Health And Safety Guide
Watching football and parades on TV fill up a good part of Thanksgiving day, however, filling up on dinner is the main course. There is much activity in the kitchen, and that’s where we need to be especially careful.
Thanksgiving is the #1 day of the year for cooking fires according to the US Fire Department. More than 4,000 fires happen on that holiday. Deep frying turkeys and using a turkey fryer cause many deaths and injuries. Right Choice Urgent Care in Cypress, TX can treat burns and lacerations if anyone becomes injured.
To remain safe use the following precautions:
- Keep the fire extinguisher and some baking soda nearby should a fire erupt
- Keep the kitchen floor free from trip hazards
- Don’t leave the house while the turkey is cooking or leave food cooking on the stove
- Be sure smoke alarms are working
- Don’t leave candles burning unattended or near flammable fabrics or other items
- Handle all knives with care and keep them away from children
In addition, wash your hands frequently to prevent cross contamination and sickness. Have plenty of tissues on hand and remind children to cough into their arm, not into their hand. Store leftovers within two hours to prevent illness. Go to Right Choice Urgent Care should anyone become sick from food allergies, food poisoning from contaminated foods, or from the flu.
Safety While Traveling
Thousands of people travel by car to grandma’s house or destinations far away during the Thanksgiving holiday. Getting there and back safely requires certain measures.
- Plan to leave early to avoid traffic and rushing
- Be sure everyone is buckled in regardless of the length of the trip
- Don’t drink and drive or text and drive
- Have an emergency kit in the car
- Winterize your car before any lengthy trip
Anything can happen during a car trip including a minor accident, a sprain or fracture, someone suffering from asthma, COPD, an injury from a fall, bronchitis, or the flu. All of these injuries can be treated at a nearby urgent care facility.
Meet with a Provider at Right Choice Urgent Care
Visit Right Choice Urgent Care in Cypress, TX for any injury that requires immediate care, but not serious enough to visit an emergency room. Feel free to call our urgent care center in Cypress, TX at (281) 944-7900 should you have any questions prior to coming.